lead generation

We offer Lead Generation using paid ads on Facebook, Instagram and Google using advanced advertising methods to position you as the best in your area, with a must-have service or product.

The Brand

Marketing is no longer linear. People are less likely to see an ad on a scroll, click on it and then sign up without checking out your company. Rather, they will look at your Facebook page, Instagram, google Reviews, Website etc, so these need to be somewhat decent.

The Destination

Depending on your service, we may need to use either a Facebook form or a Landing page. If we need one, we can create a landing page for you that aligns with your brand and is designed to convert anyone who visits into a customer.

The Organisation

Leads sent straight to your phone as soon as they come in, as well as sent into our very own Lunax CRM, where you can organise the leads by segmentation (depending on which part of the journey they are on). We’ll also let you know when your leads reply to you, so you can get back to them as soon as possible (speed is important).


Got a question? We've got you covered.

Every service based business can (and we think should) use this lead generation strategy. It eliminates the worry of where your next booking is coming from. At Lunax, we specialise in working with local businesses providing services to clients. So if you’re a chiropractor, dental and implants practice, facial aesthetician, personal trainer, home improvement business, or anything along those lines, we may well be the lead generation partner for you.

We’ve spent literally YEARS perfecting our strategy to ensure that you’ll receive leads and bookings through. During your on-boarding stage with us, we’ll identify the specifics of your target market that make them a qualified lead so they have the best chance of converting when they reach you. We can’t guarantee they will convert as that will depend largely on your sales process, but we can guarantee we’ll get them in front of you.

You’ll need to be prepared to invest a minimum of £2000 per month into our service. This is split between our service fee starting at £1000 per month, and your ad spend, also starting at a recommended £1000 per month. 

We operate a super detailed on-boarding stage where we deep dive into every element of your business from target market to profit margins (YES – the finances are very important to the success of running lead generation campaigns). We allow 7 days from sign-up to starting so your CRM or calendar will start to fill up after the first week.

Lead generation campaigns can sky-rocket your business, so you’ll need to be prepared for an influx in bookings and enquiries. Saying this, as long as you have a solid sales process and a clear service in place, we can start running lead generation campaigns for you.

A nice problem to have, huh? However, this is definitely something that can happen. We can pause the campaigns at any time and scale up or down to fit your needs whilst you catch up with the increased business you’ve received.

We don’t force anyone in to super long term contracts – it’s not fair and it doesn’t work. Besides, we’d rather you stay with us because you love the service and results we give you, not just because you’ve signed a piece of paper. Our service works on a month to month basis so if you’re not happy you’re not tied in. Saying this, we do strongly suggest trying at least 3 months because it can take time for the campaigns to optimise and perform at their best.